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Wifi Manager 1.0

Wifi Manger is an easy to use tool for scanning, troubleshooting and creating Wifi connections.
Wifi Manager provides detailed information about:
- Wifi access points in range, PHY mode,RSSI, Security mode, BSSID
- Wifi interface including supported channels, supported PHY modes, Active PHY mode, country code,    SSID, BSSID, Transmite power, Transmit rate, Noise, RSSI and mac address

iShutdown Timer

iShutdown Timer is an easy to use utility that lets you schedule Shut down, restart, log out or put your Mac to sleep after specific amount of time.
You can create timer in minutes, hours or both and you can select the action to Sleep/Shut down/Sleep/Log out.
You can Start or Cancel the timer at any time

Screen Cap

Screen Cap is an easy to use tool for recording and capturing screen as a movie and a great tool for creating video and audio tutorials.
With Screen Cap you can do the following:
- Choose to record full screen of a rectangular region of the screen
- Select the maximum frame rate
- Select the video quality